Wednesday, August 13, 2008

still on the olympics

The government has promised to give P15-M to the first Filipino Olympic gold medalist. They say that the amount could increase, because people are just waiting to dole out some more once the coveted medal is snatched.

Let's assume the reward could reach P20-M. If people including the government are this willing to part away with their money, why, in God's name, could they not instead use the amount to fund the training of, let's say, 20 swimmers from the moment they are born till they reach puberty age and ripe enough to join the Olympics? I can only hazard a guess.

Filipinos dislike to wait. They lack the patience to train and produce world class athletes. They want instant gratification. Sigurista.

beijing olympics, 08-08-08

Did you see the opening of the Beijing Olympics? Mind-boggling, huh?

Seems like the Chinese can do anything, I mean anything. The sleeping dragon is now fully awake. It has shaken the dust, started to flap its wings, and slowly stretched out its tail. Just like the Emperor Jet Li in Mummy 3. They are on the road to immortality, regardless of the special effects and the fake little girl's voice. Incredible. And SCARY.

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the good, the bad

Heard from a Cartoon Network show: "You have to take the good with the bad. If not, then you will end up with nothing."

Sounds logical to me. This will solve all relationship problems.